But without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

Putting others first... caring, sharing and sacrificing (John 15:13).

Maintaining a right standing with God Believing God, trusting Him and doing right no matter the cost
Romans 4:3. Daniel 3:16-18.

Becoming like Jesus... Helping others become like Him Matthew 28:19-20.

Sound doctrine / Stability (Eephesians 4:14).
Being all things to all men. (1 Cor. 9:22)

called a house of prayer for all nations.
Isaiah 56:7

Registration End

Welcome And Orientation Fresh Students 2019/2020
Theme: Running To Win.
Featuring: Message | Seminars | Songs Ministration | Drama & Alot More

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First time visitor? .... Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!! It reminds us of the biblical standard to which God calls us.

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As the culture becomes increasingly hostile towards Christianity we need elders who will keep the dock sure, steady, and unmoved, all the while holding a rope out to those.

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As it was in the earliest days of the Christian faith, so it is again entry into a local WeBelieve church should be by way of catechism, creed, and baptism in that order.
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Innocent, But NOT Wise!.
The story is told of Tamar in 2 Sam. 13:7-15 T (NKJV). She was King David’s daughter. She was a virgin, beautiful, and innocent with great prospects in life.

In well-organised transport systems whether by rail, road, water or air, tickets are very important for travelling especially when the time to travel zeros in. In train stations, bus stations, seaports or airports, there are all categories of people there including travellers,.

Arrival without a welcome.
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